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Старый 06.03.2003, 14:26   #1
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию мое управление в ку2

//Witui is config file
//----------------------------- Weapon config ------------------------------\\
set dWeap use
set dAmmo alias
alias +wd "set dWeap drop;set dAmmo drop "
alias -wd "set dWeap use;set dAmmo alias "
alias w_0 "$dWeap BFG10K;$dAmmo cells;echo Big Fuck!!!"
alias w_1 "use Blaster;wait;use grapple;echo Blaster"
alias w_23 "$dWeap Shotgun;$dAmmo shells;wait;$dWeap Super Shotgun;echo SS!!!"
alias w_45 "$dWeap Machinegun;$dAmmo bullets;$dWeap Chaingun;echo ABToMaTuk!!!"
alias w_6 "$dWeap grenades;$dWeap Grenade Launcher;$dAmmo grenades;echo KaKaxu!!!"
alias w_7 "$dWeap Rocket Launcher;$dAmmo rockets;echo Rocket Launcher!>"
alias w_8 "$dWeap HyperBlaster;$dAmmo cells;echo Giper"
alias w_9 "$dWeap Railgun;$dAmmo slugs;echo RailGun! >"
alias d_7 "drop Rocket Launcher;drop rockets;wave 2;wav3;echo Drop Rocket Launcher;say_team BERI BAZYKY!!!"
alias d_9 "drop Railgun;drop slugs;wave 1;wav2;echo Drop RailGun;say_team BERI Rail!!!"
set sensitivity "7"
set m_filter "1"
alias q1 "drop BFG10K;drop hyperblaster;drop cells;wave 1;say_team BERI -=BFG , GIPER=-"
alias q2 "drop super shotgun;drop shells;drop shotgun;wave 1;say_team BERI SS!!!"
alias q3 "drop Chaingun;drop Bullets;drop machinegun;wave 1;say_team BERI Chain!!!"
alias q4 "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;wave 1;say_team BERI BAZYKY!!!"
alias q5 "drop railgun;drop slugs;wave 1;say_team BERI Rail!!!"
alias q6 "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team BERI KAKAXu!!!"
alias q7 "drop power shield;say_team BERI -=POWER SHIELD=-!!!;wave 1"

//--------------------------- Use Weapons -----------------------------------\\
bind 3 w_0
bind e w_9
bind q w_7 say:Vsem sosat!@$
bind c w_8
bind i w_23
bind f w_6
bind z "use blaster;use grapple"
bind shift "+speed"
bind 4 d_7
bind 5 d_9
bind v w_45
bind space weapnext
bind 1 w_23
//Double Jump

set jp jmp
set mu moveup
alias +2j "+$mu; w;w; -$mu; w;w; +$mu"
alias -2j "-$mu"
alias w "wait"
alias 2jmp "bind mouse2 +2j; jp jmp; echo Dbl"
alias jmp "bind mouse2 +$mu; jp 2jmp; echo Nrml"
alias djp "$jp"
bind mouse2 +2j

//Movement keys
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind ctrl "+movedown"
bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind tab score
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind . vup
bind , vdn

//View config
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

//Inventory keys
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind \ "invdrop"
bind 2 "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;drop railgun;drop slugs"
//Power-up buttons I rarely use
//Function keys I rarely use"
//Change map & other
bind f1 "use power shield"
bind f4 change1
bind f5 start
alias change1 " echo The Edge(DM1) ; bind f5 map q2dm1 ; bind f4 change2"
alias change2 " echo (DM2) ; bind f5 map q2dm2 ; bind f4 change3"
alias change3 " echo Only for Duel(DM3) ; bind f5 map q2dm3 ; bind f4 change4"
alias change4 " echo Q2DM4 ; bind f5 map q2dm4 ; bind f4 change5"
alias change5 " echo Q2DM5 ; bind f5 map q2dm5 ; bind f4 change6"
alias change6 " echo Q2DM6 ; bind f5 map Q2DM6 ; bind f4 change7 "
alias change7 " echo SUXX(DM7) ; bind f5 map q2dm7 ; bind f4 change8"
alias change8 " echo MYASO(DM ; bind f5 map q2dm8 ; bind f4 change9"
alias change9 " echo ztn2dm2 ; bind f5 map ztn2dm2 ; bind f4 change10"
alias change10 " echo Rage ; bind f5 map ztn2dm3 ; bind f4 change1"
bind F11 "say "Good buy LOXErs""
bind F10 "say "Bcem cocaTb Tpu McHorn" "
bind F12 "menu_multiplayer"
alias n1 "name "Witui";echo "Papa prishel";bind F9 n1"
alias n2 "name "Witui";bind F9 n2"
//My GL config
// "Видео настройки"
set gun_x "0"
set gun_y "0"
set gun_z "0"
set bob_up "0"
set bob_pitch "0"
set bob_roll "0"
set run_pitch "0"
set run_roll "0"
set cl_run "1"
set cl_upspeed "400"
set cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
set cl_footsteps "1"
set g_select_empty "0"
set cl_maxfps "270"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set fov "120"
set rate "25000"
set freelook "1"
set vid_gamma ".7"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100"
set gl_modulate "30"
set gl_mode "3"
set vid_ref "gl"
set gl_particle_size "20"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_particle_max_size "6"
set intensity 3
set gl_picmip "1.5"
set vid_ypos "22"
set vid_xpos "3"
set gl_ztrick "1"
set cl_vwep "1"
set skin "male/kw_orange"
set name "Witui-PAPA"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "0"
set m_pitch ".033"
set hand "2"
set angle "1"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set gl_shadows "0"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_players "1"
set allow_download "1"

//Pre-Defined GL config
set gl_3dlabs_brocken "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_swapinterval "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set sv_reconnect_limit "3"
set hostname "ComeToHell"
set rcon_password Wit
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set s_khz "22"
set s_primary "0"
set cd_nocd "1"
set in_mouse "1"
set in_joystick "0"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gender "male"
set gander_auto "1"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set viewsize "100"

//set config
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set sw_allow_modex "1"
set cl_blend "0"
set maxclients "8"
set deathmatch "1"
set sw_waterwarp "1"
set scr_conspeed "30"
set sw_mipscale "1.5"
set v_centermove "1"
set v_centerspeed "600"
set cl_anglespeedkey "3"
set cl_nodelta "1"
set showclamp "0"
set cl_pitchspeed "200"
set yawspeed "200"
set cl_forwardspeed "200"
set cl_sidespeed "200"
// "FPS"
bind m fps1
alias fps1 "cl_maxfps 180;echo FPS 180;bind m fps2"
alias fps2 "cl_maxfps 90;echo FPS 90;bind m fps1"
alias fps3 "cl_maxfps 270;echo FPS 270;bind m fps3"
set name "Witui"
bind mouse2 +2j


// "Неведимки"
bind k sk1
alias sk1 "echo BuDHO;cl_noskins 1;skins; bind k sk2"
alias sk2 "echo He BuDHo;cl_noskins 0;skins;bind k sk1"
Echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @ Witui config loaded @"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @ GOOD LUCK TO KILL ME @"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @@@@@@@ Wit-rules!!!!!!! @@@@@@@"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
Старый 06.03.2003, 21:12   #2
Регистрация: 01.03.2003
Сообщений: 122
Юрок на пути к лучшему
Отправить сообщение для Юрок с помощью ICQ
По умолчанию Re: мое управление в ку2

Сообщение от witui
//Witui is config file
//----------------------------- Weapon config ------------------------------\\
set dWeap use
set dAmmo alias
alias +wd "set dWeap drop;set dAmmo drop "
alias -wd "set dWeap use;set dAmmo alias "
alias w_0 "$dWeap BFG10K;$dAmmo cells;echo Big Fuck!!!"
alias w_1 "use Blaster;wait;use grapple;echo Blaster"
alias w_23 "$dWeap Shotgun;$dAmmo shells;wait;$dWeap Super Shotgun;echo SS!!!"
alias w_45 "$dWeap Machinegun;$dAmmo bullets;$dWeap Chaingun;echo ABToMaTuk!!!"
alias w_6 "$dWeap grenades;$dWeap Grenade Launcher;$dAmmo grenades;echo KaKaxu!!!"
alias w_7 "$dWeap Rocket Launcher;$dAmmo rockets;echo Rocket Launcher!>"
alias w_8 "$dWeap HyperBlaster;$dAmmo cells;echo Giper"
alias w_9 "$dWeap Railgun;$dAmmo slugs;echo RailGun! >"
alias d_7 "drop Rocket Launcher;drop rockets;wave 2;wav3;echo Drop Rocket Launcher;say_team BERI BAZYKY!!!"
alias d_9 "drop Railgun;drop slugs;wave 1;wav2;echo Drop RailGun;say_team BERI Rail!!!"
set sensitivity "7"
set m_filter "1"
alias q1 "drop BFG10K;drop hyperblaster;drop cells;wave 1;say_team BERI -=BFG , GIPER=-"
alias q2 "drop super shotgun;drop shells;drop shotgun;wave 1;say_team BERI SS!!!"
alias q3 "drop Chaingun;drop Bullets;drop machinegun;wave 1;say_team BERI Chain!!!"
alias q4 "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;wave 1;say_team BERI BAZYKY!!!"
alias q5 "drop railgun;drop slugs;wave 1;say_team BERI Rail!!!"
alias q6 "drop grenade launcher;drop grenades;say_team BERI KAKAXu!!!"
alias q7 "drop power shield;say_team BERI -=POWER SHIELD=-!!!;wave 1"

//--------------------------- Use Weapons -----------------------------------\\
bind 3 w_0
bind e w_9
bind q w_7 say:Vsem sosat!@$
bind c w_8
bind i w_23
bind f w_6
bind z "use blaster;use grapple"
bind shift "+speed"
bind 4 d_7
bind 5 d_9
bind v w_45
bind space weapnext
bind 1 w_23
//Double Jump

set jp jmp
set mu moveup
alias +2j "+$mu; w;w; -$mu; w;w; +$mu"
alias -2j "-$mu"
alias w "wait"
alias 2jmp "bind mouse2 +2j; jp jmp; echo Dbl"
alias jmp "bind mouse2 +$mu; jp 2jmp; echo Nrml"
alias djp "$jp"
bind mouse2 +2j

//Movement keys
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind ctrl "+movedown"
bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind tab score
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind . vup
bind , vdn

//View config
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

//Inventory keys
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind \ "invdrop"
bind 2 "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;drop railgun;drop slugs"
//Power-up buttons I rarely use
//Function keys I rarely use"
//Change map & other
bind f1 "use power shield"
bind f4 change1
bind f5 start
alias change1 " echo The Edge(DM1) ; bind f5 map q2dm1 ; bind f4 change2"
alias change2 " echo (DM2) ; bind f5 map q2dm2 ; bind f4 change3"
alias change3 " echo Only for Duel(DM3) ; bind f5 map q2dm3 ; bind f4 change4"
alias change4 " echo Q2DM4 ; bind f5 map q2dm4 ; bind f4 change5"
alias change5 " echo Q2DM5 ; bind f5 map q2dm5 ; bind f4 change6"
alias change6 " echo Q2DM6 ; bind f5 map Q2DM6 ; bind f4 change7 "
alias change7 " echo SUXX(DM7) ; bind f5 map q2dm7 ; bind f4 change8"
alias change8 " echo MYASO(DM ; bind f5 map q2dm8 ; bind f4 change9"
alias change9 " echo ztn2dm2 ; bind f5 map ztn2dm2 ; bind f4 change10"
alias change10 " echo Rage ; bind f5 map ztn2dm3 ; bind f4 change1"
bind F11 "say "Good buy LOXErs""
bind F10 "say "Bcem cocaTb Tpu McHorn" "
bind F12 "menu_multiplayer"
alias n1 "name "Witui";echo "Papa prishel";bind F9 n1"
alias n2 "name "Witui";bind F9 n2"
//My GL config
// "Видео настройки"
set gun_x "0"
set gun_y "0"
set gun_z "0"
set bob_up "0"
set bob_pitch "0"
set bob_roll "0"
set run_pitch "0"
set run_roll "0"
set cl_run "1"
set cl_upspeed "400"
set cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
set cl_footsteps "1"
set g_select_empty "0"
set cl_maxfps "270"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set fov "120"
set rate "25000"
set freelook "1"
set vid_gamma ".7"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100"
set gl_modulate "30"
set gl_mode "3"
set vid_ref "gl"
set gl_particle_size "20"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_particle_max_size "6"
set intensity 3
set gl_picmip "1.5"
set vid_ypos "22"
set vid_xpos "3"
set gl_ztrick "1"
set cl_vwep "1"
set skin "male/kw_orange"
set name "Witui-PAPA"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "0"
set m_pitch ".033"
set hand "2"
set angle "1"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set gl_shadows "0"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_players "1"
set allow_download "1"

//Pre-Defined GL config
set gl_3dlabs_brocken "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_swapinterval "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set sv_reconnect_limit "3"
set hostname "ComeToHell"
set rcon_password Wit
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set s_khz "22"
set s_primary "0"
set cd_nocd "1"
set in_mouse "1"
set in_joystick "0"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gender "male"
set gander_auto "1"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set viewsize "100"

//set config
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set sw_allow_modex "1"
set cl_blend "0"
set maxclients "8"
set deathmatch "1"
set sw_waterwarp "1"
set scr_conspeed "30"
set sw_mipscale "1.5"
set v_centermove "1"
set v_centerspeed "600"
set cl_anglespeedkey "3"
set cl_nodelta "1"
set showclamp "0"
set cl_pitchspeed "200"
set yawspeed "200"
set cl_forwardspeed "200"
set cl_sidespeed "200"
// "FPS"
bind m fps1
alias fps1 "cl_maxfps 180;echo FPS 180;bind m fps2"
alias fps2 "cl_maxfps 90;echo FPS 90;bind m fps1"
alias fps3 "cl_maxfps 270;echo FPS 270;bind m fps3"
set name "Witui"
bind mouse2 +2j


// "Неведимки"
bind k sk1
alias sk1 "echo BuDHO;cl_noskins 1;skins; bind k sk2"
alias sk2 "echo He BuDHo;cl_noskins 0;skins;bind k sk1"
Echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @ Witui config loaded @"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @ GOOD LUCK TO KILL ME @"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
echo " @@@@@@@ Wit-rules!!!!!!! @@@@@@@"
echo " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
Можешь удалять!
Если ты ДРУГ? Ты ДРУГ! Если же ВРАГ, то значит отдыхай ЧУВАК!
Юрок вне форума  
Старый 06.03.2003, 22:36   #3
Регистрация: 29.11.2002
Сообщений: 99
Vadim на пути к лучшему
Отправить сообщение для Vadim с помощью ICQ Отправить сообщение для Vadim с помощью MSN Отправить сообщение для Vadim с помощью Yahoo
По умолчанию мое управление в ку2

да... ну что сказать - флэйм. Пофиксено вообщем...
С наилучшими пожеланиями,<br />Яворский Вадим
Vadim вне форума  
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